.. Zoook e-Sale documentation Requirements ============ This version of Zoook only works with **OpenERP version 6.1**. The installation procedure for Zoook under **Linux** is explained in this chapter. The procedure is well tested on *Ubuntu 12.04 LTS*. Environment tools ----------------- The followings tools and packages will be used to install Zoook: * OpenERP 6.1 * python (2.6+) * python-setuptools * python-pip * python-dev * libjpeg8-dev * zlib1g-dev * bzr * postgresql * postgresql-client * openssh-server You have to install with ``apt-get`` tool, or any other you use. Django-Zoook App sources ------------------------ To install the Django-Zoook application, you must download them from the repository: ``lp:~zoook-community/zoook-esale/django-zoook-6.1``. Then install the following dependencies. Python Packages dependecies --------------------------- This is the list of Python packages dependencies, they can be installed with ``apt-get`` tool too, or with ``pip`` command: * django == 1.4.x * django-localeurl * django-south * django-pagination * psycopg2 * python-magic * paramiko * django-transmeta * pillow * django-inplaceedit * django-maintenancemode * Pyro * OOP (https://github.com/eoconsulting/ooop) In Linux packages systems, the Python packages starts with ``python-`` prefix, so by example, the ``django`` package, is named ``python-django``. **Optionals**: * recaptcha-client * django-filebrowser >= 3.5.2 * django-grappelli * staticsfiles_ignoredebug (https://github.com/eoconsulting/django-staticsfiles-ignoredebug) OpenERP modules dependency -------------------------- You have to install the ``zoook`` module, it's available in the main repository of Zoook e-Sale Project in Launchpad: ``lp:~zoook-community/zoook-esale/zoook-6.1`` Depends modules ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The module ``zoook`` depends of: * account_payment_extension * base * base_external_mapping * base_vat * currency_numeric_code * delivery * django * poweremail * product_m2mcategories * product_images_olbs * product_attributes * product_variant_name * sale_multi_shop * sale_payment * sale_promotions * web_wysiwyg * web_display_html * partner_title_pricelist **Optional**: * nan_product_pack All this modules are in the dependencies branch repository of Zoook e-Sale Project in Launchpad: ``lp:~zoook-community/zoook-esale/zoook-extra-addons-6.1``